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Sean Shultz
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Mayor Sean Shultz was elected to the Carlisle Borough Council in 2013, and had previously filled a vacancy on council in 2005 before serving an elected, four-year term from 2008 through 2011.  Sean has been the president of the Carlisle Volunteer Firefighters Association since 2012, and he is a member of the Carlisle Fire Department through his membership with Carlisle Fire and Rescue Services.  Sean earned his Juris Doctor at the Penn State-Dickinson School of Law and is an attorney with Saidis, Shultz & Fisher.  He has served our community as a volunteer for numerous organizations, including president of Carlisle Summerfair, president of the American Literacy Corporation, and with the United Way.  Mr. Shultz currently serves as the chairperson of Council’s Public Safety Committee and also serves as a co-chair of the Parks and Recreation Committee.  Sean’s current term expires December 31, 2025.

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