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Antinanco is Proud to Announce the Release of the AMERICAN CHESTNUT TREE CONSERVATION COURSE Manual

We are proud to announce the release of our very first book "AMERICAN CHESTNUT TREE CONSERVATION FIELD COURSE - Manual for Forest Ecology and Conservation of the North-East States."

The paperback and digital versions are now available on our Website and on Amazon.

The next step is the American Chestnut Fieldwork Course for Undergraduate Students, which we are hoping to offer in NJ and PA in 2021.

We thank all of the contributors for their great work!


The American Chestnut Tree Conservation Field Course Manual explores the principles of ecosystem management. It teaches how to recognize forest disturbances (natural and introduced), recognize forest age, learn to identify dominant and understory species, learn the principles of basic tree identification, and measure biological diversity, tree growth and tree health. The Manual specifically focuses on the conservation of the American chestnut tree species. The manual includes the American chestnut tree’s ecological history and distribution, favorable soil conditions, companion plants and animals that depend on and disperse the chestnut, and major disturbances (natural and introduced) that impacted the chestnut distribution and caused the tree’s ultimate disappearance. The fieldwork component explains how to examine types of forest disturbances, identification of forest tree and non-tree species, measure soil pH and humidity, conduct forest transects, and how to collect, propagate and care for American chestnut seeds, seedlings and trees. The lab component explores labeling, pressing and examining leaves of different species under a microscope, making an identification key, recording field data and taking measurements with measuring tape, DBH tape and compass, calculating tree basal area and tree density, and testing soil pH. The Manual teaches how to work with pH meters and pH strips, rope, compass, measuring tape, leaf press, and microscopes.


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